Sandy is a touch over a year old, and she loves us. I got her for Steven for his birthday last July, and they just adore each other. It's precious and I wish I could sneak pictures of the two of them.
These are a few pictures I have gotten away with. I took the first one a little after we got her. She's so tiny in that picture!
The Sandy Story:
Steven and I had talked about what pets we'd like to have--we both work at a vet's office, so it's a little difficult to not end up with one :) I had rescued a rat a couple years before and had enjoyed her, but Steven had more of a tendency toward guinea pigs because of their sociable behavior.
We've been in an apartment that doesn't allow pets, but come on, it's a guinea pig, a guinea pig doesn't count.

I got to leave work early that day, went over and got Sandy from Nikki's house, and put her cage in our office/exercise room. I wrapped her bedding and hay bag and hid them in the living room. I was worried about him wandering up to find her, so I set up a foot soak in the living room shortly before he would be home, and played "The Princess Bride," one of his favorite movies. Then I went to bring back sushi.

We had dinner when I got back, and then it was time for presents! He opened the bedding, looked at me, and asked "where is it?" I smiled, went upstairs, and came back down with the little guinea pig of 2-3 months in my arms. His eyes were wwwwwiiiiiiidddddeeee and I could tell that he loved her :)
We have "couch time" and Sandy runs back and forth between us, eats hay (and yummy treats!), and after a bit of running about she takes naps on us.

"Whatcha doin?"
I love this picture. This is my cell phone wallpaper :)
Check this out :)